You heard it here first! As a member of my email group, you are receiving the FIRST notification of the e-Book I co-authored! “Ladies On the Loop” is a collection of 35 short stories from women who have completed or are currently traveling The Great Loop.
I am excited to share it with you now! And you can get it FREE! (See below)

Just visit my SHOP and download the e-Book for free, right here:
Our story topics are varied, but the theme of encouragement and fun carries through all of them. My chapter – Chapter 7 – is called “American History On The Great Loop.” It starts on page 34 if you want to skip ahead. haha!
As you know, I am currently writing a book about the entire Great Loop adventure I shared with my husband, Tim, and our sweet boat dog, Lucy. My book, “Looping With Lucy,” is in the editing stage, which is tedious and exciting and frustrating and exhilarating all at the same time. I really do think we are near the end and that it will be in production soon. I am eagerly looking forward to sharing it with you. So stay tuned for future updates! In the meantime, enjoy this small preview of what is to come.
Love always,
Theresa Jo