Much has happened in the last year. I haven’t posted in a long while because I simply couldn’t. My world was shaken, and forever changed. My husband, my soul mate, died on September 4, 2021, after a brave and brutal nine month battle with the effects of COVID-19. In the midst of my grief I am comforted by so many things, not the least of which is the love of God, and the love and prayers of my friends and family. Thank you.
Life is different now, but life is still good. I have much to look forward to, especially time with my grand babies. Three year old Jaxon and 7 month old Jenna are such blessings to me. And now we are waiting on the arrival of their cousin, baby Teddy, who is due in a few weeks. I am so grateful.
It has taken a long time, but I am beginning to feel creative juices flowing again. I have resumed writing my book, but it will be a little different than I originally planned. That’s okay, this is necessary. I have also begun playing my guitar again, and I’ve been writing new songs.
Speaking of music, I did a little something for myself: I bought a new guitar! It is absolutely gorgeous, and I had been drooling over it for quite some time. Two years ago I watched my friend Andy Bounsall ( build this beautiful cherry and bird’s eye maple masterpiece, but I wasn’t ready to buy it then. Now I was. So I did. My next post I will give you more details and a demo of what it sounds like, but in the meantime I thought I’d at least show it to you.

Thank you for being there throughout my nightmare, and thank you for being here still.
We are all just walking each other home.
Love always,
Theresa Jo